Pastoral Care Committee

The Pastoral Care committee consists of Elders and other members of the congregation who maintain contact with homebound members. The committee keeps track of those who are sick and shut-in, places requests for prayer on the committee prayer chain, arranges a taxi service for those who have difficulty getting to services, oversees a ministry of cards, and liaises with the Funeral committee as needed.

The committee also holds a special communion service twice a year for those who find it hard to get to regular services. Volunteers assist with transportation and serve a lunch afterwards. At Christmas the committee arranges special visits whereupon church calendars, cards (made by the Sunday school), and gifts made by the craft group are distributed.

A new initiative for St. Giles is a Prayer Partnership between church families and individuals. The hope is that this will connect people on a more personal level creating opportunities for caring and sharing within our church family.

We also have a Prayer Shawl Ministry, where people in the congregation knit shawls, which are then given to those in need of prayer and comfort to remind them they are wrapped in God’s love and care.

The Pastoral Care Committee meets the 2nd Friday of the month in the afternoon.

Called by Christ, Committed by Faith, Connected by Community.