Mission, Vision and Values

St. Giles has developed the following to guide our ministries. Our framework statement is:

We are God’s people: enabled by the Holy Spirit,
saved by Grace and nourished by Scripture.

St. Giles’ Mission is to nurture a vibrant Christian life; we will seek to grow in our relationship with God, we will care for the community and we will dare to follow Christ into the world.

Our motto is: Called by Christ, Committed by Faith, Connected by Community.

Our Core Values


We value the opportunity to study, praise and worship with a focus on the Word of God.

We value feeding the spiritual yearning of the congregation through well preached sermons, communal prayer, Bible study, inspired music, art and drama.

We value the involvement of all people – of all ages – in worship and outreach.


We value the fellowship of a warm and caring community that seeks to serve each other, the larger community, and Christ.

We value the Reformed Tradition of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Inviting Others

We value the act of inviting others to share in our celebrations of Christ’s way in the world, and welcome all those who would come to our Church to learn who we are


We value spiritual growth, and the power of prayer.


We value dignity and aspire to Grace in our lives through right relationships and compassionate care for one another.


We value Christian education, for people of all ages.

We value nurturing the young through an active church school program, youth group, Vacation Bible School, and the provision of nursery services.

Our Vision


We envision joyful celebrations of God and the life and teachings of Christ at worship through engaging ways of reaching and teaching those who seek spiritual growth.


We envision a vibrant, active congregation of all ages, growing and participating in a joyful community grounded in Christ’s commands.

We will grow our understanding of what it means to be part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Inviting Others

We envision an open, welcoming church, active in the broader community, sharing the joy of Christ’s mission with others, and inviting them to join us.

We will strive to attain the faith and courage we need to verbalize out faith, to take the risks and to embrace the changes we are led to by God in fulfilling His will for us.


We envision a church life that nurtures and strengthens each member’s ability to develop a sustaining, personal, spiritual relationship with God and to maintain it through prayer and practice.

We envision a personal relationship with God, being open to hear God’s instruction, and seeking to live each day guided by the Holy Spirit.

Though an active prayer life we seek to experience the transforming presence of the Holy Spirit, as God works within and through us.


We will seek to follow Christ by engaging in local, national and global mission initiatives leading to a world in which justice, equality and love for our fellow are the norm and not the exception, and in which poverty, hunger, homelessness, violence, cruelty and ignorance are unknown.

We envision learning of community and world needs, and of opportunities to do what we can to act for justice and to encourage relevant social, health-giving, education, and fund-raising activities.


We see ourselves discovering Christ both as adults and children; studying and growing in our knowledge of the Bible and Christ’s teaching.

St. Giles is a Christian congregation, part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  As Presbyterians we are Protestants and part of the Reformed Tradition.

Our Statements and Confessions of Faith