There are four categories of events on this page. Scroll down to see all current events or click on the follow links to jump there within this page:
Weekly Events
ESL classes with Curt Sollid, every Tuesday at 1:00 PM: Join Curt in the St. Giles Park Room. Expand your vocabulary and improve pronunciation while engaging in discussions about daily life, faith, history, and travel. Classes are free!
Bible Study with Denis Mascardelli, every Wednesday at 10:15 AM: The Bible study led by Denis Mascardelli on 2 Thessalonians.

Come and watch “The Chosen”, a powerful series that brings the story of Jesus to life. Join us every Wednesday at 5:30 PM at St. Giles Sanctuary.

Join us for a Bible study as we dive into the profound truths of the book of Hebrews with Rev. Chandra. Deepen your understanding and grow in fellowship every Wednesday at 7 PM.

The Labyrinth Café @ St. Giles with Susan Carmichael, every Friday 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM: Come join us for a Burns-themed sing-along. Robbie Burns was a Scottish poet born on January 25, 1759. Celebrations of his life and poetry have been going on since 1801. You don’t have to be Scottish to join in the fun. Invite your friends!

Monthly Events
Jazz Vespers, Sunday, February 9th, at 4 PM: Experience the timeless beauty of love through captivating jazz melodies and thoughtful meditations. Come, join us on Sunday, February 9th at 4 PM. Doors open at 3:30 PM.

St. Giles Orchestra, Sunday, Feb. 16 at 6 PM: From Baroque to Broadway, please come and enjoy 19 strings of our philharmonic orchestra. Let them entertain and delight you. All proceeds will go to St. Giles. Please get your ticket at the office or online through Eventbrite.

Presbytery Events

Synod Events
None at this moment.