
There are four categories of events on this page. Scroll down to see all current events or click on the follow links to jump there within this page:

Special Events

We’re very excited to announce an inaugural concert on Mozart & Mendelssohn presented by the St. Giles Orchestra!

Wednesday, October 30 at 7 pm – St. Giles Orchestra:  Please join us for the inaugural orchestral event, featuring the coming together of professional musicians to perform Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 5 on the week of Reformation Sunday.  Tickets are limited and only $45… please order early at the office of St. Giles (403-289-6862, or [email protected]). The general public can also buy tickets online on our event page with Eventbrite!

Weekly Events

ESL classes with Rev. Chandra Mannix, every Tuesday at 1:00 PM:  Join us in the CKPC library to develop conversational English skills and expand verbal fluency.  Expand your vocabulary while improving pronunciation, engaging in topics around daily life, faith, history and travel.  And classes are free!!

Bible Study with Denis Mascardelli, every Wednesday at 10 AM starting Sept. 11:   This year we will be examining Paul’s two letters to the Thessalonian church, sometimes referred to as the eschatological letters of Paul,…though there is much besides eschatology (the doctrine of last things).  No homework is required, just bring a Bible and participate in the discussions as much or as little as you are comfortable with.

Prayer and Share with Ann Frost, every Wednesday 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM starting Sept. 18: We invite you to connect with God quietly, away from the crowds. Find a peaceful place to renew your body, mind, and spirit. Share your wisdom. There will be a gentle rhythm of time in the labyrinth, time in the sanctuary, time alone, and time together to pray.  You are welcome to come to some or all of this time each week.

Bible Study with Rev. Chandra Mannix, every Thursday at 5:30 PM: The Book of Hebrews offers encouragement in our faith in the face of challenges.  Join us in the St. Giles library to delve deeper into scripture and its application to your life in Christ.  No homework is required, just bring a Bible and participate in the discussions as much or as little as you are comfortable with.

Faith Exploration with Rev. Chandra Mannix, every Thursday at 7 PM: Do you have questions about scripture or Christian beliefs and how they apply in our daily lives?  What about questions that never seem to find the right time or place to be asked?   Gather to discuss various topics, including the hard ones, that will help us understand better our walk through this world.  A light dinner is offered at the start of the conversation.

The Labyrinth Café @ St. Giles with Susan Carmichael, every Friday 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM:  We welcome guests to the narthex and back garden (weather permitting) to help us build relationships with our neighbours in the surrounding community in a welcoming setting with homemade goodies and a visit.  Donations are gratefully received.

‘Conversations with Grief’ with Jennifer Hauck, every Friday 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM:  Starting on October 18 until November 22, and open to anyone with old or new grief.  All kinds of grief will be welcome, including normal, complicated, delayed, chronic, secondary, disenfranchised, collective and traumatic grief.  This is an opportunity to walk together through our own grief, or supporting others who are grieving.

Monthly Events

Wednesday, October 30 at 7 pm – St. Giles Orchestra:  Please join us for the inaugural orchestral event, featuring the coming together of professional musicians to perform Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 5 on the week of Reformation Sunday.  Tickets are limited and only $45… please order early at the office of St. Giles (403-289-6862, or [email protected])

Thursday, October 31 – Halloween on the Block!:  Join us with our neighbours across and down the street, and with Inclusio staff and residents, in creating a wonderful Halloween experience for the children in the neighbourhood.  More details to follow!

Sunday, November 3 at 4 PM – Jazz Vespers : Join us for a jazz performance (theme to be announced) with our fabulous, professional jazz musicians.  Entrance is free but donations are gratefully appreciated. Doors open at 3:30 PM, with the concert starting at 4 PM.  

Presbytery Events

Not at this time.

Synod Events

In Edmonton:  Gathering of the Synod of Alberta and the Northwest, 2024 – Friday and Saturday October 18 & 19:  Come join the gathering of the court of Synod for fellowship, learning and business of this court in the Presbyterian Church.  Gathering will be at First PResbyterian Church in Edmonton (10025 105th Street); Preaching will be from the Rev. Dr. Cathering Faith MacLean.  Rooms are available at the Comfort Inn & Suites (10425 100th Avenue), and leadership is offered by Rev Harry Currie.  Please email him with RSVP if you plan to attend at [email protected] (cell: 780-232-1160)

Past events