Sunday, July 28, 2024

Good morning!

Just as a week can change from the heat of summer to a refreshing cool breeze, our lives can transform when we have faith in God. Each morning, let our prayers fuel our steps, trusting that God can transform unfavorable situations into blessings. Believe that with God, the impossible can become possible.

Today we are led in worship by Esther, our choral director, and Rod, our former Interim Moderator, while Chandra is on mission with CKPC’s young adults in the O’Chiese First Nation. And today is also a special day for one of our members of the congregation. Happy Birthday, Andrew!

July 28, the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
The biblical passages for this week are taken from Psalm 30, and Mark 5:21-43. Together, these passages invite us to reflect on the nature of God’s intervention in our lives. They encourage us to hold onto hope and faith, even when circumstances seem hopeless. Just as the psalmist experienced a turnaround from mourning to dancing, and just as Jairus and the bleeding woman witnessed miraculous healings, we are reminded that God is ever-present, ready to bring light into our darkest moments. Let us trust in His timing and His power to transform our lives, knowing that with faith, all things are possible.

Weekly Quote
“I thought of Jesus. “He looked at the crowds and had compassion on them.” Seeing with compassion led to healings, forgiveness, acceptance, and forming a new community. Mercy is the beginning of justice, the first footsteps towards God’s kingdom.”
Diana Butler Bass (2006. Pg. 169) – Christianity For the Rest of Us

Scripture Passage for Reflection
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23


A huge THANK YOU to Susan Carmichael, Dennis, Janet, Jim and Trish for all of their amazing work to prepare for the wood chipper and for helping to beautify the front and side gardens. It was a hot day to take on these tasks, but everything looks so much better.

Faith & Theology Thursdays at 10AM: Do you have questions about scripture or our beliefs and how they apply in our daily lives? Gather to discuss various topics, including the hard ones, that will help us understand better our walk through this world. We invite you to come and share your thoughts every Thursday at 10AM in the Narthex.

Crib Night – FRIDAY, August 2 (This Friday)
We play on the first Friday of each month at 7PM! If you have a crib board, please bring it. Entry is through the Narthex door to join us for an evening of fun and fellowship. Everyone is welcome!

Picnic in White Fundraiser: Join us for a time of food and fellowship in St. Giles’ back garden on Sunday August 11th at 4 PM. This event is loosely based on a fundraiser called “Diner en Blanc” that started in Paris in 1988 and is now offered in 120 cities across 40 countries. Guests pay $100.00 to attend (that is the fundraiser part) and are asked to wear white, bring their own table, tablecloth, chair, food, and beverage. The St. Giles twist is that we will charge much, much less – only $25.00 per person or $10.00 for children and youth, children 3 years and under are free. We will provide you with a table, tablecloth, chair, and beverage. You will still need to bring your own picnic meal and wear white, please! Cottage games like bocci, croquet and corn hole will be offered. Tickets will be available in the narthex starting today.

Garage Sale – Friday Sept. 6th & Saturday Sept. 7th: There has been some interest raised in holding this type of fundraiser. Keeping in mind the workload of previous garage sales, for this one, we are requesting that if you would like to donate items, that you also donate your time by displaying, pricing and selling your items on the sale days. If for whatever reason you are unable to make that commitment, feel free to arrange for someone to take on that role for you. Hopefully this will distribute the workload into manageable bites. Start sorting and pricing your items! The set up will be on the Friday afternoon.

Coming Soon: Walks and Watercolours – watch this space for fun summer activities. Dates and details to be announced soon.

Vacation Bible School at Westminster: Once again this year, we have been invited to join Westminster for their VBS. Come to Vacation Bible School August 12th to 16th as a participant, crew leader or junior crew leader! Deadline to register is August 5th. Registration for this exciting adventure is now live. Cost is $60 per child. There is also a form available for volunteers. Please visit VBS Westminster website.

Mission to Bali: Christina – one of the young adult members at the English Service at CKPC and an occasional adherent at the St. Giles morning worship, will be going on a short-term mission trip to Bali in partnership with Pioneers Canada. She would be grateful for any financial and spiritual support we can provide. Please refer to the announcement posted in the narthex and basement bulletin boards for more information.

AFTERNOON SERVICES: For those who are unable to attend morning services, there is an afternoon service at 1:30PM every Sunday at CKPC led by Rev. Chandra Mannix. Everyone is encouraged to come!

You can find our Facebook page at this link:

May your days be filled with blessings and happiness!



