Category: Uncategorized

  • Sunday, October 6, 2024

    Good morning! We often hear the phrase “have faith like a child.” But what is it in a single word? “Trusting”. Trusting that God is present in every moment. Even when situations become challenging, we can trust that His love never fails and that He will carry us through. By relying on His power, we find…

  • Sunday, September 29, 2024

    Good morning! Sometimes, it may feel like our prayers go unheard, but God is always listening, even when we don’t see the answers right away. Each time we reach out to Him, we show our trust and faith in His plan for our lives. Remember, in every moment of joy or struggle, God is right…

  • Sunday, September 22, 2024

    Good morning! Starting the day with humility means recognizing that we need help and that everyone around us matters. Before we begin, we can take a moment to thank God for the day ahead and ask for His guidance in serving others. By being open and kind, we set a positive tone for our day…

  • Sunday, September 15, 2024

    Good morning! Last Friday, I found peace walking from school to church, feeling the weight of the day fade with each step. It reminded me that even simple moments of stillness, like walking and listening to God’s message, can fill our hearts with calm. No matter how full our days are, God’s peace is always…

  • Sunday, September 8, 2024

    Good morning! The first week of the school year can feel overwhelming, but we can choose to approach each day with patience and kindness. Small gestures, like offering a smile or helping someone find their way, made a big difference. It is a good reminder that living out our faith isn’t just about what we…

  • Sunday, September 1, 2024

    Good morning! Each day is an opportunity to put our faith into action by living out the answers to our prayers. When we trust God and act on His guidance, we see His promises unfold in our lives. Let us take each moment as a chance to show our faith through our actions, knowing that…

  • Sunday, August 25, 2024

    Good morning! Waking up to a beautiful morning reminds me of the fresh start each day brings. I find peace in starting my day with a sincere, simple prayer, pouring out my thoughts and gratitude to God. This genuine connection allows me to face the day with hope and positivity, making each moment feel more…

  • Sunday, August 18, 2024

    Good morning! As we begin this new day, let us cherish the gift of wisdom. It helps us to see the beauty in our lives by being grateful for small blessings or face life’s challenges with a positive attitude. Let us open our hearts to His guidance and find joy in every moment as we…

  • Sunday, August 11, 2024

    Good morning! What a lovely, sunny day it is today! Just like the sun brightens everything around us, focusing on the good things in life can lift our spirits and bring more light into our daily lives. Let’s use this sunny day to express gratitude and brighten the lives of others, even with a simple…

  • Sunday, August 4, 2024

    Good afternoon! In our daily lives, God’s miracles often come in small, unexpected ways. Just like a sudden cool breeze on a hot summer day, His help can brighten our toughest moments. Trust that He is working behind the scenes, bringing light and hope to every part of your day. A huge THANK YOU to Susan Carmichael,…