We gather at St. Giles/New Generations in the gracious and loving presence of God, the maker and lover of creation. We are called here to worship and to work; and this is holy ground. We acknowledge that we meet on the traditional territory of the Niitsitapi, Tsuut’ina, Stoney Nakoda people, as well as the homeland of the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region 3, whose practices and spiritualities are tied to the land.
In 1994, the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) adopted a confession recognizing the church’s role in operating residential schools and the harms those schools caused to Indigenous children, their families and communities. At the 149th General Assembly in 2024, the PCC, at the request of the National Indigenous Ministries Council, offered a further apology for its complicity in colonization and in operating residential schools.
The Apology of the Presbyterian Church
For more information on the PCC’s work with Indigenous ministries see the following link. As a warning, this confession can be triggering for some people and it should be read with support if one anticipates being triggered by it: adopted a confession, the PCC Indigenous Justice page.