Sunday, August 11, 2024

Good morning!

What a lovely, sunny day it is today! Just like the sun brightens everything around us, focusing on the good things in life can lift our spirits and bring more light into our daily lives. Let’s use this sunny day to express gratitude and brighten the lives of others, even with a simple smile.


Picnic in White Fundraiser to Support Repairs of our colourful stained-glass windows: Join us for a time of food and fellowship in St. Giles’ back garden on TODAY at 4 PM. This event is loosely based on a fundraiser called “Diner en Blanc” that started in Paris in 1988 and is now offered in 120 cities across 40 countries. Guests pay $100.00 to attend (that is the fundraiser part) and are asked to wear white, bring their own table, tablecloth, chair, food, and beverage. 
The St. Giles twist is that we will charge much, much less – only $25.00 per person or $10.00 for children and youth, children 3 years and under are free. We will provide you with a table, tablecloth, chair, and beverage. You will still need to bring your own picnic meal and wear white, please! Cottage games like bocci, croquet and corn hole will be offered. Tickets are still available in the narthex. If you wish to pay for tickets or make a donation, please send it via e-transfer to [email protected] and note Picnic in White in the memo section.

Water Colour Paint Night with Lacy: Unleash your creativity and join us for an evening of fun and relaxation on Wednesday, August 21 at 7 PM. Paint a watercolour painting while eating snacks and filling your heart with good company whether you are a seasoned artist or curious beginner. There will be a nominal charge of $15 to cover the cost of the materials.

Garage Sale – Friday Sept. 6th & Saturday Sept. 7th: There has been some interest in holding this type of fundraiser. Keeping in mind the workload of previous garage sales, for this one, we are requesting that if you would like to donate items, that you also donate your time by displaying, pricing and selling your items on the sale days, with all proceeds going toward repairs of the St. Giles stained-glass windows.  If for whatever reason you are unable to make that commitment, feel free to arrange for someone to take on that role for you. Hopefully this will distribute the workload into manageable bites. Start sorting and pricing your items! The set up will be Friday evening after 7PM. *Please book your table/tables through the church office (403-289-6862) by Wednesday September 4th. Sale time will be Saturday from 9AM to 3PM. Bring your friends and support St. Giles.

Faith & Theology Thursdays at 10AM: Do you have questions about scripture or our beliefs and how they apply in our daily lives? Gather to discuss various topics, including the hard ones, that will help us understand better our walk through this world. We invite you to come and share your thoughts every Thursday at 10AM in the Narthex.

Minister Vacation: Rev. Chandra will be on holidays from August 16- August 31.  She will return for services on September 1.  Rev. Rod Ferguson and Rev Bruce Clendening will be preaching in her absence those two weeks.

AFTERNOON SERVICES: For those who are unable to attend morning services, there is an afternoon service at 1:30PM every Sunday at CKPC led by Rev. Chandra Mannix. Everyone is encouraged to come!

August 11, the 12th Sunday after Pentecost: Today we are led in worship by Lorna Thomson, our guest organist and pianist, and Chandra our minister.  Our choir is on summer holidays, as is our choir director Esther. 
The biblical verses for this week are taken from Psalm 34: 1-9, 1 Kings 19: 1-8 and John 6: 35, 41-51. Together, these scriptures invite us to think about how God provides for us in both physical and spiritual ways. They encourage us to put our trust in His care, even at our darkest circumstances, and to find contentment in Jesus, the true Bread of Life. Let us respond with gratitude, knowing that God is always present, ready to sustain and nourish us through both trials and blessings.

“Tradition connects Christians to the past, practice is the calling of the present, and wisdom pushes toward a future of eternal love. The church engages tradition through remembering in preaching, teaching, and sacraments; it engages practice by doing a Christian way of life; it engages wisdom through a life of knowing God. Together, tradition, practice, and wisdom are the architecture of the new village church.”
Diana Butler Bass (2006. Pg. 52) – Christianity For the Rest of Us

Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.
John 6:47-48,51

You can find our Facebook page at this link:

May this week be filled with blessings for you and your family!



