Sunday, August 18, 2024

Good morning!

As we begin this new day, let us cherish the gift of wisdom. It helps us to see the beauty in our lives by being grateful for small blessings or face life’s challenges with a positive attitude. Let us open our hearts to His guidance and find joy in every moment as we go through our day.

THANK YOU to all those who attended and made the Picnic in White a great success. It was a perfect evening for playing games, visiting with each other and sitting down to an informal picnic meal! We raised $700. through ticket sales and also received an additional $500 in support of the Stained Glass Window Repair fundraiser.


Water Colour Paint Night with Lacy: Unleash your creativity and join us for an evening of fun and relaxation on Wednesday, August 21 at 7 PM. Paint a watercolour painting while eating snacks and filling your heart with good company whether you are a seasoned artist or curious beginner. There will be a nominal charge of $15 to cover the cost of the materials.

Garage Sale – Friday Sept. 6th & Saturday Sept. 7th: There has been some interest in holding this type of fundraiser. Keeping in mind the workload of previous garage sales, for this one, we are requesting that if you would like to donate items, that you also donate your time by displaying, pricing and selling your items on the sale days, with all proceeds going toward repairs of the St. Giles stained-glass windows.  If for whatever reason you are unable to make that commitment, feel free to arrange for someone to take on that role for you. Hopefully this will distribute the workload into manageable bites. Start sorting and pricing your items! The set up will be Friday evening after 7PM. *Please book your table/tables through the church office (403-289-6862) by Wednesday September 4th. Sale time will be Saturday from 9AM to 3PM. Bring your friends and support St. Giles.

Bible Study –every Thursday Starting September 5: The Book of Hebrews offers encouragement in our faith in the face of challenges.  Join Rev. Chandra at 5:30 pm on Thursdays in the St. Giles library to delve deeper into scripture and its application to your life in Christ.

Faith Exploration – Thursday starting September 5: Do you have questions about scripture or Christian beliefs and how they apply in our daily lives? Gather to discuss various topics, including the hard ones, that will help us understand better our walk through this world. We invite you to come and share your thoughts every Thursday at 7PM beginning September 5 at St. Giles Library.

September 30 Free Presbytery Workshop at St. Andrews with the 2024 General Assembly Moderator: “Narrative of Hopes” for renewal, transformation and vitality. For more details, please check the bulletin in the narthex.

Minister Vacation: Rev. Chandra will be on holidays from August 16- August 31.  She will return for services on September 1.  Rev. Rod Ferguson and Rev Bruce Clendening will be preaching in her absence those two weeks.

AFTERNOON SERVICES: For those who are unable to attend morning services, there is an afternoon service at 1:30PM every Sunday at CKPC led by Rev. Mark Tremblay while Rev. Chandra is away. Everyone is encouraged to come!

August 18, 13th Sunday after Pentecost: Today we are led in worship by Malcolm Edwards, our guest organist and pianist, and Rod our former Interim Moderator. The biblical verses for this week are taken from Proverbs 9:1-6 and John 6:51-58. Proverbs encourages us to feast on wisdom, while John points us to the ultimate source of life—Jesus Himself. Just as Wisdom calls us to her table, Jesus invites us to His, where we are offered the bread of eternal life. Let us reflect on how we can respond to these invitations, seeking not only wisdom but to be deeply nourished by the presence of Christ in our lives.

WEEKLY QUOTE“Healing is the work of God, based in the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit, and we open ourselves to it through prayer. Salvation is a process whereby we enter into God’s saving work. Salvation is receiving God’s grace and power, being changed by it, and offering healing back to the world. The healed heal. The practice of healing traces grace in our hearts and opens us to see the evidence of shalom in all creation.”
Diana Butler Bass (2006. Pg. 105 and 114) – Christianity For the Rest of Us

SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR REFLECTION: O fear the Lord, you holy ones, for those who fear God have no want. The young lions suffer want and hunger, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.                     –Psalm 34: 9-10

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May this week be filled with joy and peace for you and your family!



