Good afternoon!
On this beautiful sunny winter day, let us remember that the source of our hope is always with us, shining through even the coldest moments. When life feels still or challenging, God’s love offers warmth and light, guiding us forward. May our actions reflect the hope He has placed within us, making us the sunshine in someone’s life.
Labyrinth Café every Fridays,10:30 AM to 12:30 PM: Thank you Bill and Susan Woodward for leading the cafe guests in a bonny sing-along this past Friday in honour of Robbie Burns Day.
Membership Class: If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of our church family, whether you’re new to our congregation or have been attending for a while, we invite you to our upcoming Membership Class. The class will be held every Thursday evening at 7 PM in February (6th, 13th & 20th). We look forward to welcoming you and supporting you in your faith journey!
Jazz Vespers, Sunday, February 9th, at 4 PM: Experience the timeless beauty of love through captivating jazz melodies and thoughtful meditations. Come, join us on Sunday, February 9th at 4 PM. Doors open at 3:30 PM
Save the Date: St. Giles Orchestra, Sunday, Feb. 16 at 6 PM: From Baroque to Broadway, please come and enjoy 19 strings of our philharmonic orchestra. Let them entertain and delight you. All proceeds will go to St. Giles.
Farewell and Blessings to Erin: Erin, the daughter of Sung-Woo and Joanne, is heading to Melbourne, Australia, to pursue her law degree. As our young adult program developer, she brought energy and vision to planning & events, creating community, and shared ministry. Her kindness, talent, and dedication have touched many lives. We are proud of you, Erin, and pray for God’s guidance and blessings as you embark on this exciting journey. Know that you are deeply loved and supported by St. Giles. God bless you!
Members Portal Registration: Please sign up on the Website – for questions or support contact the office or Kelly Martin. Link:
Every Tuesday – ESL at 1 PM: Join Curt in the St. Giles Park Room. Expand your vocabulary and improve pronunciation while engaging in discussions about daily life, faith, history, and travel. Classes are free!
Bible Studies & “The Chosen” Series:
- Wednesday Morning, 10:15 AM – Bible study with Denis Mascardelli on 2 Thessalonians.
- Wednesday, 5:30 PM – “The Chosen,” a powerful series that brings the story of Jesus to life.
- Wednesday Evening, 7 PM – Bible study with Rev. Chandra on Hebrews.
AFTERNOON SERVICES: For those who are unable to attend morning services, there is an afternoon study and prayer at 1:30PM every Sunday at St. Giles led by Rev. Chandra.
January 26, The Third Sunday after Epiphany: This Sunday, our worship will be led by our minister, Chandra, and our music leader, Michael, with the St. Giles Choir. The Bible readings for this week are Nehemiah 8: (various verses between 1-8), 1 Corinthians 12:14 through the end, and Luke 4:14-21. This scripture highlights the power of God’s Word, the unity of the Church, and the mission of Christ. May we open our hearts to God’s Word, allowing it to renew us, and live out His mission by sharing His love and hope with everyone we encounter.
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” 1 Cor 12:26-27.
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May this week be filled with blessings for you and your family.
Buena Manalo
Office Administrator
St. Giles Presbyterian Church