Sunday, September 22, 2024

Good morning!

Starting the day with humility means recognizing that we need help and that everyone around us matters. Before we begin, we can take a moment to thank God for the day ahead and ask for His guidance in serving others. By being open and kind, we set a positive tone for our day and create a space for joy and connection.

ESL – every Tuesday at 12:30 PM: Join us in the CKPC library to develop your conversational English skills.  Expand your vocabulary while improving pronunciation engaging in topics around daily life, faith, history and travel.  And classes are free!!

Bible Study with Denis Mascardelli, every Wednesday at 10 AM:  Led by Denis Mascardelli, the study this year is about Paul’s two letters to the Thessalonian church, sometimes referred to as the eschatological letters of Paul, though there is much besides eschatology (the doctrine of last things). No homework is required, just bring a Bible and participate in the discussions as much or as little as you are comfortable with.

Prayer and Share – every Wednesday from 11:30 to 1:30 PM: We invite you to connect with God quietly, away from the crowds. Find a peaceful place to renew your body, mind, and spirit. Share your wisdom. Led by Ann Frost, there will be a gentle rhythm of time in the labyrinth, time in the sanctuary, time alone, and time together to pray.  You are welcome to come to some or all of this time each week to be in the Spirit!

Bible Study –every Thursday at 5:30 PM: The Book of Hebrews offers encouragement in our faith in the face of challenges.  Join Rev. Chandra at 5:30 pm on Thursdays in the St. Giles library to delve deeper into scripture and its application to your life in Christ.

Faith Exploration – every Thursday at 7 PM: Do you have questions about scripture or Christian beliefs and how they apply in our daily lives? Gather to discuss various topics, including the hard ones, that will help us understand better our walk through this world. We invite you to come and share your thoughts every Thursday at 7PM. 

The Labyrinth Café @ St. Giles – Every Friday at 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM

The Labyrinth Café @ St. Giles welcomes guests to the narthex and back garden (weather permitting) every Friday from 10:30 to 12:30. The purpose of offering a weekly café is twofold:

  1.  It opens our doors (and hearts) to help us build relationships with our neighbours in the surrounding community
  2. It offers a welcoming meeting place for church members and their friends to have some goodies and a visit. 

Please consider joining this important ministry of hospitality. We will need two hosts for each Friday, as well as donations of homemade goodies. Or even go for a walk in the park and plan a refreshment break at the café!  Speak with Susan Carmichael or contact the church office if you are interested.

Jazz Vespers, Sunday, October 6 at 4 PM: Join us on Sunday, October 6 for a jazz performance combined with meditations on how time impacts our spiritual journey. Allow the music and message inspire you to pause, contemplate, and cherish the moments that are genuinely meaningful. Doors open at 3:30 PM, with the concert starting at 4 PM.  

Indigenous Friendship Day – Saturday, September 28: There will be a cross-cultural educational event held at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church that will include listening stations to hear traditional Indigenous stories and songs, craft centers, drumming experiences, art displays, a Tee-Pee, participation by all in a Circle Dance, and shared traditional Indigenous food (offered free).  We encourage people from all Presbyterian churches in Calgary to come and learn about their neighbours and celebrate unity.  

September 30 Free Presbytery Workshop at St. Andrews with the 2024 General Assembly Moderator: “Narrative of Hopes” for renewal, transformation and vitality. For more details, please check the bulletin in the narthex.

Notice of Photography: There will be posters going up explaining St. Giles’ approach to taking photos and making recordings of services and events.  We want to use them in various forms of media to share the exciting things going on at St. Giles.  If you have any questions or concerns, please talk with a Session member.

Garage Sale Update: Thank you to everyone who supported the St. Giles Garage Sale on Saturday, September 7th as sellers or buyers, or in many cases both! Rev. Chandra graciously offered to host an additional garage sale day with the remaining items this past Saturday. Our initial total from the first day of sales was just under $1700. dollars! A final total will be coming soon. The funds from the Garage Sale and the Picnic in White have been earmarked to offset the cost of the stained-glass window repairs. An additional donation of $500. was also received on the Garage Sale Day for the stained-glass window repairs.

AFTERNOON SERVICES: For those who are unable to attend morning services, there is an afternoon service at 1:30PM every Sunday at CKPC led by Rev. Chandra. Everyone is encouraged to come!

September 22, 18th Sunday after Pentecost: Today we are led in worship by our St. Giles choir, Chandra our minister. and Wayne Hubbard, our guest organist and pianist. This week’s Bible verses are from Jeremiah 11: 18-20Mark 9: 30-37, and James 4: various verses. These passages invite us to reflect on our own faithfulness to God, our definition of greatness, and motivations behind our actions. As we strive to embody humility and service, let us remember that true fulfillment comes from a relationship with God and a heart that loves and serves others. 

“For the last three years, my job has been going to church. I hung out with brand-name Christians – Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Congregationalists and Episcopalians- observing, and paying attention to what is happening in their often-ignored churches. I set off to find some like-minded pilgrims, hoping to discover a different kind of Christianity – a Christianity for the rest of us, by listening to real people in the pews…In the many stories of the churchgoers that I interviewed, I witnessed the same spiritual triad: connection to tradition, commitment to Christian practices, and concern to live God’s dream. Together, tradition, practice, and wisdom embody the Christian life. My journey may be over, but the labyrinth’s path reminds me that pilgrimages never really end. Ends are only new beginnings. 
Diana Butler Bass (2006. Pg. 2 and 284) – Christianity For the Rest of Us 

Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”                                                                                               -James 4: 4, 7

You can find our Facebook page at this link:

May this week be filled with love and peace for you and your family!

Buena Manalo
Office Administrator
St. Giles Presbyterian Church



